
Top Five Tips for Using Email Marketing to Generate New Customers.

You most likely have a solid plan in place for emailing your existing customers or subscribers, you know their purchase history and their interests, a...

Window Shopping on Your Phone, Buying on Your Tablet

According to an IBM study, Americans use their phones to browse shopping sites, but when they are ready to purchase, they are more likely to buy with ...

IBM’s Holiday Benchmark Reports

Thanksgiving sales increased 19.7% v.s. 2012 as retailers continue to open shop earlier each year Black Friday sales increased 18.9% v.s. 2012 Cyber M...

Recognizing Traffic by Device

Mobile traffic is estimated at 20% or 33%, depending who you ask, of all global Internet traffic. Regardless of which number is correct, that’s ...

Engage Customers through Real-time Personalization

Real-time Personalization (RTP) is the ability to adapt content to a site or store visitor in real time. The personalization engine builds a visitor p...

How to Make E-Commerce Mimic the In-Store Experience

Online stores need to mimic the real store feel to drive brand loyalty and boost sales. The most significant reason shoppers buy from brick and mortar...

Debunking User Experience Myths

Here are four myths about User Experience (UX): UX is too Soft; it’s not Based on Anything Many believe that UX is just common sense. However, ...

DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610 DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610, SQLERRMC=null This was an interesting error I experienced. It...

5 Things To Know About Commerce Analytics

Customer satisfaction is very important: it’s all about engaging your customers as individuals. Analytics gives the ability to respond to custom...

Building a Contagious Brand: Find the Peanut Butter for Your Jelly

This week at Wharton Business School professor, Jonah Berger, discussed the STEPPS to making a brand go viral: Social Currency, Triggers, Em...