
The Future of Merchandising is at IBM

IBM made it clear with the debut of IBM Commerce Insights at their Amplify event that the future of merchandising is using real-time analytics to monitor and predict consumer actions as they happen. Every time a consumer tweets about a product or a competitor changes a price point, retailers need to react immediately.

This level of responsiveness requires the next generation of analytics management software, and we’re proud to say our Smart Merchandiser tool is ready to meet the challenge.

IBM Commerce

Built on IBM’s Websphere Commerce platform as part of the IBM Commerce initiative, Smart Merchandiser helps retailers understand and act on the huge amounts of data they’re collecting every minute. Making real-time merchandizing decisions, from pricing to personalization, becomes easy when you have the right toolbox.

The only visual e-commerce merchandise management solution available in the marketplace, Smart Merchandiser helps you to take complete control of your online storefront to create a better experience for your customers.

“To succeed, marketers must embrace technologies that offer them the opportunity to build two way engagements with each customer and deliver a meaningful and relevant experience,” said Deepak Advani, General Manager, IBM Commerce.

So what else does IBM have in store for the retailers of the future? Commerce Insights will enable merchandisers to pin-point the causes of under-performing products in their store and optimize sales by prescribing actions that inspire customers to buy. Best of all, you’ll have a single point of access to relevant data to quickly respond to all market conditions.

While you’ll have to wait until later this year for access to Commerce Insights, our Smart Merchandiser tool can help you take advantage of your fast-changing market today.

To succeed as a 21st century retailer, you need 21st century tools and a dedicated partner to help you grow. Talk to us today to see if we’re the right fit for your business.

Ready to take your business into the future? Schedule a demo with us!